Riley Warner
Riley Is our wonderful and amazing daughter who loves to play and dance.
She now likes to golf, ride horses, draw, Ski, and swim
She is in grade six this year!
Chase Warner
January 20, 2010 - January 21, 2010.
​Chase was born with very high expectations and was breathing on his own. Unfortunately he encountered complications and passed from us as suddenly as he came to us. Crystal developed HELLP syndrome in a period of 2 days, if she had not delivered, her own life would be in danger. I am sure you can look that up on the internet. The rarity is about 0.5 % in 2 million births to give you an idea of just how rare this was. She has a long time coming to heal, but know that our chances will go down to 5% from %15 when we try again. Thanks to Abbotsford and Royal Columbian hospitals for their amazing care they gave us. Right from the moment we knew that something was wrong, they took no chances and gave us the best care possible. All the nurses in both hospitals where fantastic and loving. Dr.'s OTool, Kennyen, and Pederson were so amazing and caring. We could have not asked for a better team to take care of us. Thanks to Henderson for supplying their facility and
A special thanks to my parents who took care of all the little things that we needed while in the hospital. They provided us amazing support and comfort. Thanks to Crystals family and relatives that came from the island and called regularly from all over north America. Thanks to the following people: Rudy for making the cremation box and the memorial Box. Thanks to Kate for taking care of the house and dogs right away. Thanks to Afonso and Nicola for free parking, bras, food, and laundry. Thanks to Nat and liz for regular non hospital food. Thanks Dave for leading the service.
Thanks to all of you for the emails, phone calls, visits, ect. Thanks for coming out. And showing your support to us. This is really amazing. Even the honour Guard of corrections Canada came to the hospital in full dress to show their respects.